The tire swings are made with toy tires from a motorcycle from the Dollar Tree and hung from the branches by a string of beads.
Lower right is Judy Lewis'
Upper left is Edith Dalleska.
Upper right is Andrea Johnson.
So now I'm going to try to make the pieces relate to each other without changing the original quarter too much. Maybe a few leaves cast to other quarters or beads. As it is, the upper left quarter was a little short so I added a little piece and scattered a few clouds across the top.
So the above is a 45 second video - don't know if it will come out as a video but will try.
The video is cool! It's amazing to see them!
ReplyDeleteThe video is great. I paused it often and still didn't see all of the trees.
ReplyDeleteAMAZING LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIDEO ROCKS TOO!