Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Carolyn's Quilt

I finally am back to posting. This quilt was finished earlier this summer. With all the reading Asians, the quilt went to Carolyn - my reading daughter. Nancy Birger did the quilting on it using many Asian figures - like bamboo shoots, water and cranes.

Next up: A quilt for son, Michael.


  1. Hey Sharon!
    I'm glad to see you blogging again!
    Beautiful quilt too!

    I'm not sure my face can take the pressure of laughing so hard in your cave.
    Crazy fun.


  2. Thanks Deb.
    Yeah, the Cave night was outrageous fun. It went on for a little while longer after you left. Love that group.
    BTW, your comment came to me from "Anonymous" ... just FYI
    Also, I'm trying to figure out how to change my quilts that are showing in the right square on the blog.

  3. Something has happened that I have to post as annonymousey now. I don't know why. It started with Heikes blog.
    Your pictures in the right column can easily be changed at picasa.com (googles picture storage) Somewhere when you created the blog, I had you create an account there also. Then you'll have albums there. One of the albums (or maybe the only album) is the one for the one here.
    Once you change anything in there, your blog picture slideshow will automatically change too.

