Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Looky Here!!!

Hey! Looky here! I got "Honorable Mention" in the Martingale & Company Quirky Question in November. Here's what it said:

Quirky Question Archive - November 18, 2009
Question: If you made a story quilt about your life so far, what would you name it?
"Wild Thang! A Life With Zing and Tang" –-Sharon, Minneapolis, MN

Who knew? And I really have a quilt named that; it's at Faye Hoch's getting quilted right now. Can't wait to see it again. Too bad they don't give prizes for "honorable mention". Oh well, a little print will hold me for now.

Go sew.


  1. You go girl!
    Loved being at your house're always the Hostest with the Mostest...mostest of what I won't say! LOLOL
